Ladybug Photo Album
Game 6

April 3, 2004


Now Playing: "All Star"


Click on any of the images to see a larger picture

20040403 on deck circle.jpg (136568 bytes)
On Deck Art

20040403 Ladybug Fan.jpg (146206 bytes)
Ladybug Power

20040403 Ladybugs 01.jpg (114255 bytes)
Scoring Position

20040403 Ladybugs 02.jpg (143987 bytes)

20040403 Ladybugs 03.jpg (143980 bytes)
Swing Away

20040403 Ladybugs 04.jpg (140283 bytes)
Choking Up

20040403 Ladybugs 05.jpg (147926 bytes)
I Hate Morning Games

20040403 Ladybugs 06.jpg (145737 bytes)
Elbows Up

20040403 Ladybugs 07.jpg (143597 bytes)
Coach Pitching

20040403 Katie.jpg (375944 bytes)
Here's This Week's Photographer!!!



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baseball.gif (1840 bytes)      Last Updated:  Tuesday, July 04, 2006 10:47 PM